Het artikel verschijnt in het septembernummer van het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Zorg aan mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen. Het artikel is te downloaden bij Publicaties -> Gecontextualiseerde meetinstrumenten.

Engelse samenvatting (zie onder)

Development of a self-evaluation tool to assess the sense of independence of intellectually disabled children

Special secondary education for children with intellectual disabilities in The Netherlands (VSO-ZML) aims to enhance the pupils’ independence and autonomy in order to optimally prepare them for life after school. In order to support both pupils and teachers in achieving this goal, the authors developed a self-evaluation instrument (ZEZ) to assess the children’s perceived independence from their own perspective. In contrast to other instruments that measure autonomy in terms of skills, the ZEZ focuses on self-determination as perceived by the pupils themselves. The article describes the development and characteristics of the ZEZ and presents empirical data on reliability, validity and usefulness in practice.