Opening Event Graduate School for the Humanities, Social and Behavorial Sciences: 14.30 uur Forumzaal, M3-15

A perfect match? Expectations and needs of supervisors and Ph.D. candidates
Many circumstances influence the successful finishing of a Ph.D. project. This is the general theme of the opening event. What expectations do PhD candidates and supervisors have of each other? What seems to be a perfect match?

14.30-14.55 Coffee and tea
15.00-15.10 Introduction by prof. dr. Victor Bekkers, the Dean of the Graduate School
15.10-15.40 Keynote by professor Mark Bovens of Utrecht University in which he will share his vision and experiences regarding the creation of a well-suited research environment for PhD candidates and how supervisors can facilitate this.
15.40-16.00 Talk by dr. René Butter (Psychology department) in which he will speak of the psychological aspects of writing a PhD and how departments and schools can translate these aspects in stimulating practices
16.00-16.20 Plenary discussion
16.20-16.40 The responsible Deans and Rector of participating faculties and institutions (FSS, FP, ESHCC and ISS) will sign the regulatory statue of the graduate school and the official name and slogan of the school and its website will be revealed.

16.40-17.10 The newly established PhD council will present itself and will talk about their view regarding the role that courses, seminars and social media can play within the graduate school.