De PPQ wordt op 7 universiteiten gebruikt ter ondersteuning van de selectie en begeleiding van promovendi (zie publicaties). Het instrument wordt ondersteund door wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
Het artikel Enhancing Criterion-related Validity through Bottom-up Contextualization of Personality Inventories: The Construction of an Ecological Conscientiousness Scale for Ph.D. Candidates is vandaag geaccepteerd door het Amerikaanse tijdschrift Human Performance.
“A relatively unique model of personality scale development and validation”.
“Our readers will find this to be a very interesting paper and I am delighted to have the opportunity to publish it”.
In this paper the concept of “ecological personality scales” is introduced. These are contextualized inventories with a high ecological validity. They are developed in a bottom-up or qualitative way and combine a relatively high trait specificity with a relatively high situational specificity. An ecological conscientiousness or time management scale for Ph.D. candidates was developed. It significantly predicted Ph.D. performance criteria and showed incremental validity beyond Big Five (Study 1), narrow trait and frame-of-reference scales (Study 2). These findings suggests that an ecological approach may contribute to further improving the criterion validity of personality measures.